Page Updated 30/12/2020 Previous Version 13/09/2020
Humanism frames will be progressively stored here.
01 Humanism – High Level Process Views – Issues, Version 1, date 04/02/2019

A high level view of the main processes for humans dealing with issues as individuals, groups or planet wide.
Movie MP4, PDF of Slideshow and MP3 commentary
03 Humanism – Motivations, Version 1.1, date 21/03/2019
A high level view of human motivations.
Movie MP4, PDF of Slideshow and MP3 commentary
04 Humanism – Information Classification Frame, Version 1, date 10/02/2019

The simple view of understanding information and making choices. I examine choices about war between two tribes.
Movie MP4, PDF of Slideshow and MP3 commentary
05 Humanism – Population Distribution, Version 1, date 14/02/2019
Frequency distribution of variables for a population.
Movie MP4, PDF of Slideshow and MP3 commentary. ABS Graph Video 1, ABS Graph Video 2
09 Humanism – Bad and Good, Version 1, date 02/04/2019

What is Bad and where did it come from?
Movie MP4, PDF of Slideshow and MP3 commentary.
10 Humanism – Complexity, Version 1, date 06/04/2019

How should we frame the universe? Does Time and Space help?
Movie MP4, PDF of Slideshow and MP3 commentary.
11 Humanism – Choice – Distributions, Version 1, date 24/04/2019

Choices make a difference to outcomes. Human population measures follow distribution patterns for many things – including income. A single statistic does not allow analysis of the complexity of choices.
Movie MP4, PDF of Slideshow and MP3 commentary. MP4 of ABS timeseries.
12 Humanism – Corruption – Hypocrisy, Version 1, date 18/06/2019

What is the best frame for group choice? How does corruption develop? PDF
13 Humanism – Activation, Version 1, date 30/09/2019

What is an Act? What makes any action take place? How does Fat, Dumb and Lazy relate to the human condition and why? What can I learn from Biology and Quantum Mechanics? PDF
14 Humanism – Language Development, Version 1, date 06/10/2019

This looks at the processes used to construct language from the initial observation. The structure of language using types of words, sequence, groups, and level is explored. I also look at how questions develop language. PDF
15 Humanism – Corruption – Nation Choice – Virtue, Version 1, date 03/04/2020
An extensive analysis of virtue and corruption. I develop the Focus Model and explore more detail in the Corruption and Group Telos Models. I establish a new model for Simple Systems Analysis and development within my general process frame. I also link many of the models together with general concepts from many of the thinkers and philosophers. This work represents about as much as I want to do into Virtue and Virtue signaling – I understand where it comes from , why it stays and what problems it causes in human groups. PDF
16 Humanism – Complexity – Structure, Version 1, date 27/04/2020

I revisit complexity with an information processing view and explore related models and concepts. I was examining the use of text mining on philosophical texts with PYTHON. Can I discover the simple questions and structures? Can I see what an information process might look like? I wander through computers, math , biology, genetics, DNA, RNA, evolution and revisit many of history’s greatest minds and current thinkers. PDF