
Page updated 29/12/2020 Last updated 27/01/2019


I noticed problems with the world progressively getting worse over the last few decades. This was a result of personal experience but also what was happening around the world. Hatred, division, lack of thinking, lack of discussion and the rise of dogma are some of the issues which I consider a threat to humanity. I started looking at humanism in 2017 and set out to think about things.

This website represents much of my research, experience and thinking.


I intend to research, write and publish on this website on a regular basis.


Perspective is something which is used by analysts to explore an issue from different points of view. For example if there are two people involved in an issue then each person has a different perspective. I am creating this website from the perspective of someone who has traveled the world and is interested in general human problems. I will try to explore as many perspectives which make sense when looking at an issue and will document those perspectives within frames.


Framing issues allows some context to be provided. Context helps reduce complexity so deciding a good context is important. Bias emerges when humans choose limited frames and context so it is important to recognize that challenge. One way of doing that is deliberately using other contexts for issues which may seem irrelevant at first. For example, using a financial framework when looking at personality conflicts may not seem an obvious good choice but may yield further information.

The use of many frames provides a context for examining human issues. It is natural for humans to limit the energy they expend thinking by using as few frames and as little context as possible. Laziness is a problem when looking at complex issues.

Diverse views can provide good context and can produce innovation.

Putting unexpected things together can sometimes lead to major breakthroughs when addressing problems.

“All problems can be solved with a hammer when you are a carpenter”


The humans using this website will be thinking and exploring ideas and issues. The language used on this website is deliberately simple. Big words are avoided where possible.

People who act or are acted upon are actors. An act or an event is something humans notice as a change.

In systems thinking Actors is a common term.

Some of the Actors for this website are Website Author, Users, Link owners, Website support, Third party providers, Compliance, Regulation and Governments.

Benefits and Use

Using this website should provide users with information and links to interesting and educational material as they explore the ideas of humanism and the issues facing humans. Users may find information they already know, agree with or disagree with. Sometimes it is useful to examine what other people think as important.

Aristotle – Organon –

Strategy and Vision

I hope that people find this interesting and of some utility. I don’t want to profit and achieve great publicity. Ideas and thinking are important and sharing ideas is a good idea. I will try to add to this website for some years and modify frame and keep the information coherent for as long as possible.

I think and believe I am now in a good position to make a reasonable attempt at making sense of the world.

Cost and Funding

It costs money to run a website and produce content. I don’t expect any money or support and will not at this stage be seeking funding or advertising. I hope I can reduce and eliminate advertising once I work out how the system works. I do not advertise.

Design and Function

The website I organized around 3 main content areas

  1. Frames – the perspective and context frames which emerge from the analysis
  2. Humanism – a collection links and references to other material – organized, collated  and analyzed
  3. Articles – Specific short documents which examine specific topics

Much of the material can be accessed using web some material is sorted in documents which will need to be downloaded.

I have found Powerpoint to be good at diagrams and text and Word for word documents.

I will provide downloads in as open and easily executable formats as possible – designed to be available to the most people.

I intend to have some information on Youtube and Facebook which will be the main “Blog” area. I have some blogs on Facebook but nothing on Youtube yet.

Risks and Issues

There are malevolent humans who just want to damage other people, cause chaos and behave badly. I rely on the website provider and other tools to protect some of that.

I don’t intend to cause problems so I will generally remove content or links when the situation demands it.

I am reviewing my website in 2021 and will examine my documents for copyright and fair use issues.


I will have holidays but I see this website and lobbying as my main activity for now. I will try to update material at least weekly for the higher turnover areas (Facebook). I think articles and frames may emerge when I examine the world on a regular basis and as I notice things.