Page updated 21/01/2020 
What is the measure of a human? What is success and failure? This is a complex topic and I suspect at the highest level it becomes almost trivial –
I think it is
a topic worth exploring at many levels – especially when trying to measure the
effectiveness of actions taken to address issues.
There were
many frameworks we used in the public service but a strong theme was –
There has been a growth in frameworks and conceptual models looking at human decisions and large scale investments. This is an area of intense activity and development and worth investigating. The idea of Schemas continues to emerge in my analysis. Immanuel Kant – Critique of Pure Reason – Transcendental Doctrine Of Judgment (or analytic of Principles) – Chapter 1 The Schematism of The Pure Concepts of Understanding
Death Of Dissidents (Agree) Encourage free range of ideas, protect people who are different or have different views (Death, Threat Individual) |
Free Speech (Agree) Encourage free range of ideas, protect people who are different or have different views (Agree Individual) |
Censorship (Agree) Encourage free range of ideas, protect people who are different or have different views (Law, News, Media, Internet Individual) |
Law against thinking or communicating (Agree) Encourage free range of ideas, protect people who are different or have different views (Law Individual) |
General facts (Observe) Stats for the world (CIA Factbook Group) | |
Corruption (Observe) Corruption Perception Index from datahub (Corruption Group) | |
Economy (Observe) Economic Indicators IMF (Economy Group) | |
Wealth Distribution (Observe) Gini Index (Wealth Group) | |
Wealth Distribution (Observe) Palma Index (Wealth Group) | |
Data One (Observe) Planet (Planet Planet) | |
Age of Consent (Agree) Legal age of Marriage (Planet Group) | |