Being=2, Eternity=8, Good and Evil=8, Immortality=9, Knowledge=3, Mind=2, Punishment=6, Sin=6, Soul=2, Angel Cause=2, Desire=1, Emotion=3, Evolution=9, Family=2, Habit=3, Life and Death=9, Love=2, Man=9, Memory and Imagination=3, Mind=2, Nature=9, Reasoning=2, Sense=5, Will=1, Animal Citizen=8, Constitution=9, Democracy=9, Education=5, Government=9, Monarchy=9, Oligarchy=9, State=9, Tyranny=9, Virtue and Vice=2, Aristocracy Beauty=8, Chance=9, Education=5, Emotion=9, Experience=8, Form=7, Habit=2, Labor=5, Language=8, Logic=6, Mathematics=6, Medicine=3, Nature=7, Physics=2, Pleasure and Pain=3, Poetry=8, Progress=7, Prudence=2, Rhetoric=6, Science=2, State=4, Virtue and Vice=3, War and Peace=3, Wealth=3, World=8, Art Angel=4, Cause=5, Change=6, Eternity=6, Experience=6, Infinity=6, Language=4, Mathematics=9, Matter=8, Mechanics=9, Nature=7, Physics=9, Principle=7, Prophecy=5, Quantity=6, Science=9, Sense=5, Sign and Symbol=4, Soul=3, Space=9, Time=9, World=9, Astronomy Art=7, Being=4, Custom and Convention=4, Desire=5, God=4, Good and Evil=6, Knowledge=6, Love=6, Nature=7, Pleasure and Pain=7, Poetry=7, Relation=4, Sense=6, Truth=5, Universal and Particular=7, World=3, Beauty Change=3, Definition=8, Desire=2, Eternity=3, Form=7, God=2, Good and Evil=3, Habit=2, Idea=5, Infinity=7, Judgment=6, Knowledge=5, Man=4, Mathematics=2, Matter=2, Metaphysics=6, Mind=3, Nature=2, Necessity and Contingency=6, One and Many=6, Opinion=6, Opposition=9, Principle=7, Quality=5, Quantity=5, Reasoning=6, Relation=7, Same and Other=8, Sense=4, Soul=2, Truth=3, Universal and Particular=7, Being Astronomy=7, Chance=7, Definition=4, Desire=4, Element=3, Fate=9, God=3, Good and Evil=3, History=9, Judgment=6, Knowledge=7, Liberty=5, Matter=2, Mechanics=9, Nature=8, Necessity and Contingency=7, Physics=6, Principle=3, Prudence=8, Reasoning=4, Science=3, Will=4, World=2, Cause Cause=8, Fate=9, God=2, Good and Evil=2, Happiness=2, History=7, Judgment=3, Knowledge=2, Liberty=4, Nature=3, Necessity and Contingency=8, Opinion=2, Prudence=7, Science=6, Truth=4, Virtue and Vice=2, Wealth=3, Will=5, Chance Animal=1, Art=2, Astronomy=6, Being=5, Cause=8, Constitution=5, Custom and Convention=9, Desire=4, Education=3, Element=2, Emotion=2, Eternity=6, Evolution=7, Form=3, Habit=4, History=8, Knowledge=4, Matter=3, Mechanics=7, One and Many=2, Opinion=2, Progress=8, Quantity=2, Reasoning=3, Revolution=6, Space=4, Time=8, Truth=2, Virtue and Vice=2, Wealth=3, World=6, Change Aristocracy=9, Constitution=9, Democracy=9, Education=5, Good and Evil=2, Government=9, Happiness=2, Justice=6, Labor=5, Law=9, Liberty=8, Monarchy=9, Oligarchy=9, Slavery=6, State=9, Tyranny=9, Virtue and Vice=4, War and Peace=9, Citizen Aristocracy=6, Citizen=9, Custom and Convention=2, Democracy=8, Government=9, Justice=6, Law=6, Liberty=7, Monarchy=6, Nature=3, Oligarchy=6, Progress=3, Revolution=5, State=9, Tyranny=4, Constitution Citizen=6, Education=4, Emotion=2, Happiness=3, Honor=8, Justice=4, Pleasure and Pain=2, Prudence=5, State=5, Temperance=5, Virtue and Vice=5, War and Peace=9, Courage Art=6, Beauty=7, Family=6, Good and Evil=6, Habit=9, Justice=4, Language=7, Law=4, Nature=7, Opinion=7, Relation=5, Sign and Symbol=7, State=5, Universal and Particular=4, Wealth=3, Custom and Convention Being=4, Idea=9, Infinity=3, Language=9, Mathematics=9, Matter=3, Metaphysics=5, Nature=4, Philosophy=5, Physics=8, Principle=5, Reasoning=6, Relation=9, Science=8, Sign and Symbol=9, Truth=7, Universal and Particular=8, Definition Aristocracy=6, Constitution=9, Government=9, Justice=8, Labor=5, Law=9, Liberty=8, Monarchy=7, Oligarchy=8, Opinion=6, Slavery=4, State=9, Tyranny=8, Democracy Animal=2, Being=6, Change=7, Duty=3, Emotion=7, God=2, Good and Evil=7, Habit=2, Happiness=8, Honor=4, Liberty=2, Life and Death=9, Love=6, Man=9, Matter=4, Medicine=4, Memory and Imagination=9, Mind=9, Nature=3, Opinion=6, Pleasure and Pain=8, Sense=9, Wealth=5, Will=5, Desire Definition=6, History=3, Hypothesis=6, Language=8, Logic=8, Metaphysics=5, Opinion=3, Opposition=9, Philosophy=5, Principle=3, Progress=2, Reasoning=6, Rhetoric=8, Science=5, Theology=3, Truth=2, Wisdom=5, Dialectic Citizen=6, Desire=5, Family=6, God=4, Good and Evil=7, Happiness=3, Honor=6, Justice=7, Law=5, Love=4, Pleasure and Pain=6, Punishment=7, Religion=4, Sin=5, State=6, Temperance=6, Truth=5, Virtue and Vice=6, Will=5, Duty Aristocracy=3, Art=4, Citizen=3, Courage=3, Custom and Convention=7, Democracy=3, Family=5, God=5, Good and Evil=4, Habit=4, History=8, Knowledge=8, Labor=4, Language=9, Law=5, Liberty=3, Logic=5, Man=7, Mathematics=5, Medicine=5, Mind=9, Monarchy=3, Opinion=3, Philosophy=5, Pleasure and Pain=4, Poetry=4, Prophecy=4, Punishment=5, Religion=4, Rhetoric=5, State=3, Temperance=3, Theology=4, Truth=5, Virtue and Vice=5, Wisdom=4, Education Cause=2, Change=5, Infinity=6, Matter=7, Mechanics=5, Mind=1, One and Many=8, Principle=3, Quantity=6, Soul=1, Space=7, World=3, Element Art=4, Desire=8, Duty=5, Habit=5, Law=1, Liberty=4, Love=8, Medicine=6, Memory and Imagination=8, Mind=9, Opinion=8, Opposition=6, Pleasure and Pain=9, Poetry=4, Punishment=1, Rhetoric=5, Sin=3, Slavery=2, State=1, Truth=5, Tyranny=1, Virtue and Vice=1, Will=7, Emotion Angel=5, Astronomy=6, Being=3, Change=6, Element=2, Form=2, God=5, Happiness=2, Idea=2, Immortality=9, Infinity=9, Knowledge=1, Punishment=3, Sin=3, Time=9, Truth=2, World=6, Eternity Animal=9, Definition=3, Family=7, Habit=3, History=8, Life and Death=9, Man=8, Mind=4, Opposition=6, Progress=7, Relation=6, Same and Other=7, Soul=3, Time=9, Evolution Art=2, Dialectic=2, Education=3, God=1, Hypothesis=5, Idea=5, Induction=4, Judgment=4, Knowledge=4, Logic=4, Mechanics=4, Medicine=2, Memory and Imagination=8, Metaphysics=3, Mind=9, Philosophy=3, Physics=5, Prophecy=1, Reasoning=8, Religion=1, Science=4, Sense=8, Sign and Symbol=2, Truth=5, Universal and Particular=4, Experience Desire=7, Duty=6, Education=3, Emotion=7, Evolution=7, Government=3, Happiness=3, Labor=3, Life and Death=9, Love=7, Man=7, Monarchy=2, Nature=4, Necessity and Contingency=4, Religion=1, Slavery=2, State=3, Tyranny=2, Virtue and Vice=3, War and Peace=2, Wealth=4, Family Cause=7, Chance=9, God=1, History=6, Liberty=5, Nature=3, Necessity and Contingency=6, Prophecy=3, Will=5, World=4, Fate Art=2, Being=8, Change=4, Definition=2, Eternity=3, God=1, Idea=2, Life and Death=1, Man=6, Mathematics=1, Matter=9, Memory and Imagination=3, Nature=2, Same and Other=5, Sense=2, Soul=1, Space=1, Time=2, Universal and Particular=5, World=1, Form Angel=9, Eternity=6, Good and Evil=6, Immortality=5, Infinity=6, Prophecy=7, Religion=9, Sign and Symbol=5, Sin=6, Soul=6, Theology=9, Virtue and Vice=4, God Art=1, Beauty=1, Being=5, Cause=7, Change=5, Citizen=4, Custom and Convention=5, Desire=6, Duty=5, God=2, Happiness=4, Honor=6, Justice=6, Knowledge=4, Labor=2, Love=3, Mind=5, Nature=4, Opinion=3, Philosophy=2, Pleasure and Pain=6, Punishment=7, Relation=2, Science=1, Sin=8, State=4, Truth=2, Universal and Particular=2, Virtue and Vice=8, Wealth=4, Will=5, Wisdom=3, World=1, Good and Evil Constitution=7, Democracy=9, Education=2, Family=7, God=1, Justice=6, Knowledge=2, Law=9, Liberty=5, Monarchy=9, Oligarchy=9, Philosophy=1, Progress=4, Prudence=3, Religion=1, Revolution=9, Rhetoric=3, Science=1, Slavery=4, State=9, Tyranny=9, War and Peace=9, Wealth=5, World=1, Government Animal=3, Being=7, Courage=6, Custom and Convention=9, Desire=2, Education=2, Emotion=2, Evolution=6, God=1, Law=2, Life and Death=2, Love=1, Man=5, Matter=1, Mind=7, Nature=2, Prudence=4, Religion=1, Science=1, Sense=4, Sin=1, Soul=1, Temperance=5, Virtue and Vice=1, Will=6, Wisdom=2, Habit Courage=4, Desire=3, Duty=3, Eternity=1, God=1, Good and Evil=9, Honor=4, Immortality=1, Knowledge=3, Life and Death=1, Love=3, Pleasure and Pain=9, Principle=2, Prudence=3, Punishment=4, Sin=1, State=1, Temperance=3, Virtue and Vice=8, Wealth=3, Will=2, Wisdom=3, Happiness Cause=4, Chance=4, Custom and Convention=8, Dialectic=2, Education=3, Evolution=8, Fate=5, God=2, Honor=2, Knowledge=9, Labor=3, Liberty=3, Logic=1, Man=4, Matter=1, Memory and Imagination=9, Mind=3, Nature=2, Necessity and Contingency=2, Opposition=2, Philosophy=2, Poetry=2, Progress=5, Reasoning=1, Relation=3, Religion=2, Science=3, State=3, Time=9, Universal and Particular=5, Virtue and Vice=2, War and Peace=7, Wealth=4, Will=2, History Courage=5, Duty=9, God=1, Government=5, Happiness=2, History=5, Immortality=6, Justice=5, Poetry=1, Rhetoric=3, Sin=1, State=5, Temperance=2, Virtue and Vice=3, Honor Astronomy=5, Dialectic=7, Experience=4, Judgment=8, Logic=7, Mathematics=7, Mechanics=5, Philosophy=6, Physics=8, Principle=8, Reasoning=8, Science=9, Truth=8, Hypothesis Angel=1, Being=3, Change=2, Dialectic=4, Eternity=2, Experience=6, Form=4, God=1, History=3, Induction=6, Judgment=3, Knowledge=5, Language=5, Memory and Imagination=6, Mind=7, Opinion=6, Opposition=6, Principle=5, Reasoning=5, Relation=6, Same and Other=5, Sense=5, Sign and Symbol=4, Truth=4, Universal and Particular=6, Idea Angel=1, Being=9, Change=5, Eternity=9, Form=4, God=1, Happiness=2, Infinity=9, Life and Death=9, Man=9, Matter=4, Memory and Imagination=1, Metaphysics=1, Mind=4, Necessity and Contingency=2, Punishment=1, Soul=3, Time=9, Immortality Dialectic=4, Experience=6, Idea=6, Judgment=6, Knowledge=6, Logic=7, Memory and Imagination=4, Principle=5, Reasoning=6, Rhetoric=2, Science=6, Sense=3, Universal and Particular=8, Induction Being=4, Cause=3, Change=5, Definition=2, Desire=2, Element=5, Eternity=9, God=9, Good and Evil=2, Judgment=5, Knowledge=2, Liberty=1, Man=3, Mathematics=6, Mind=4, Nature=1, One and Many=5, Principle=2, Quantity=9, Reasoning=2, Space=8, Time=9, Truth=1, Will=1, World=7, Infinity Beauty=4, Duty=5, Experience=4, Good and Evil=5, Hypothesis=6, Idea=4, Induction=5, Infinity=2, Knowledge=8, Language=3, Mind=8, Necessity and Contingency=6, Opinion=7, Opposition=4, Philosophy=3, Prudence=4, Reasoning=8, Relation=5, Theology=3, Truth=8, Universal and Particular=3, Wisdom=6, Judgment Aristocracy=3, Constitution=6, Courage=3, Democracy=5, Duty=5, God=2, Good and Evil=6, Happiness=3, Honor=5, Labor=5, Law=9, Liberty=5, Love=3, Monarchy=5, Oligarchy=5, Punishment=6, Religion=2, Sin=7, Slavery=6, State=6, Temperance=4, Tyranny=5, Universal and Particular=5, Virtue and Vice=5, War and Peace=6, Wealth=5, Will=4, Justice Angel=1, Animal=1, Art=6, Astronomy=7, Being=4, Definition=7, Dialectic=4, Education=9, Experience=6, Form=7, God=1, Good and Evil=5, Happiness=3, History=7, Idea=7, Induction=7, Infinity=1, Judgment=7, Language=9, Liberty=5, Logic=7, Man=6, Mathematics=7, Matter=3, Mechanics=7, Medicine=7, Memory and Imagination=9, Metaphysics=7, Mind=8, Necessity and Contingency=2, One and Many=6, Opinion=5, Philosophy=7, Physics=7, Pleasure and Pain=3, Principle=6, Progress=5, Prudence=4, Reasoning=7, Relation=5, Religion=1, Same and Other=8, Science=8, Sense=3, Soul=1, State=2, Theology=3, Truth=7, Virtue and Vice=5, Wealth=3, Will=5, Wisdom=9, Knowledge Art=5, Citizen=4, Constitution=4, Democracy=4, Education=5, Justice=5, Liberty=5, Man=9, Oligarchy=2, Opposition=3, Progress=8, Punishment=5, Revolution=5, Science=4, Slavery=7, State=3, Time=8, War and Peace=3, Wealth=7, Labor Art=4, Custom and Convention=8, God=1, Idea=9, Judgment=7, Logic=7, Mathematics=8, Medicine=4, Memory and Imagination=7, Poetry=7, Prophecy=2, Religion=1, Rhetoric=8, Sign and Symbol=9, Theology=1, Language Constitution=9, Custom and Convention=9, Democracy=6, Duty=5, Education=3, God=2, Good and Evil=3, Government=8, Habit=3, Happiness=3, Justice=9, Liberty=5, Love=1, Monarchy=6, Nature=1, Necessity and Contingency=5, Opinion=6, Principle=8, Prudence=5, Punishment=7, Revolution=3, Sin=3, State=8, Tyranny=6, Universal and Particular=8, Virtue and Vice=5, War and Peace=5, Will=4, World=3, Law Cause=4, Citizen=6, Constitution=6, Democracy=5, Desire=6, Emotion=6, Fate=6, God=3, Government=6, History=1, Justice=5, Labor=7, Law=5, Mind=6, Monarchy=5, Nature=4, Necessity and Contingency=5, Opinion=9, Poetry=9, Progress=7, Religion=6, Revolution=9, Sin=3, Slavery=9, State=6, Theology=6, Truth=8, Tyranny=6, War and Peace=4, Wealth=6, Will=9, Liberty Animal=9, Change=9, Desire=2, Evolution=9, Habit=2, Happiness=3, Immortality=9, Man=9, Medicine=7, Memory and Imagination=4, Mind=3, Nature=9, Sense=2, Soul=3, World=9, Life and Death Art=4, Astronomy=2, Definition=8, Dialectic=9, Education=6, History=2, Hypothesis=7, Idea=7, Induction=8, Judgment=6, Language=8, Mathematics=7, Mechanics=2, Memory and Imagination=5, Metaphysics=8, Opposition=7, Philosophy=8, Physics=7, Principle=6, Quality=4, Quantity=4, Reasoning=8, Relation=4, Rhetoric=8, Same and Other=6, Science=8, Theology=4, Truth=8, Logic Beauty=9, Citizen=3, Desire=9, Duty=5, Emotion=9, Family=6, God=2, Good and Evil=7, Habit=4, Happiness=6, Immortality=3, Justice=4, Knowledge=5, Man=9, Opposition=3, Pleasure and Pain=7, State=4, Temperance=5, Truth=5, Virtue and Vice=4, War and Peace=6, Will=7, Love Angel=6, Animal=7, Art=9, Desire=8, Emotion=8, Evolution=5, Family=9, God=4, Habit=8, Happiness=9, History=7, Immortality=6, Knowledge=9, Labor=9, Law=7, Liberty=8, Life and Death=5, Medicine=5, Memory and Imagination=9, Mind=9, Nature=5, One and Many=6, Opposition=5, Poetry=9, Progress=7, Punishment=8, Sense=6, Sin=3, Soul=6, State=8, Time=4, Virtue and Vice=3, Will=9, Man Astronomy=8, Being=4, Definition=9, Hypothesis=7, Idea=6, Infinity=9, Judgment=5, Knowledge=7, Logic=9, Mechanics=8, Memory and Imagination=6, Metaphysics=8, Necessity and Contingency=5, Philosophy=6, Physics=8, Quantity=9, Reasoning=9, Relation=9, Science=8, Sense=4, Space=6, Time=8, Truth=8, Universal and Particular=5, Mathematics Angel=2, Astronomy=4, Being=7, Definition=3, Element=8, Eternity=2, Form=6, God=1, History=3, Idea=4, Infinity=3, Knowledge=4, Man=8, Mechanics=7, Memory and Imagination=2, Mind=5, Physics=6, Quality=5, Quantity=5, Sense=5, Soul=3, Space=6, Universal and Particular=5, Will=3, World=2, Matter Astronomy=8, Cause=7, Change=8, Element=8, Experience=7, Hypothesis=7, Induction=6, Logic=6, Man=5, Mathematics=8, Matter=9, Mind=6, Nature=7, Opposition=7, Philosophy=5, Physics=7, Quality=6, Quantity=8, Science=7, Space=8, Time=8, Will=4, World=9, Mechanics Art=5, Education=6, Emotion=5, Experience=7, Happiness=4, Hypothesis=8, Justice=4, Knowledge=7, Language=6, Law=6, Life and Death=9, Man=8, Memory and Imagination=6, Mind=7, Rhetoric=6, Sign and Symbol=5, Will=5, Medicine Desire=5, Emotion=6, Experience=8, Habit=4, History=8, Idea=6, Induction=5, Knowledge=8, Language=6, Mind=7, Poetry=5, Prophecy=4, Reasoning=5, Relation=5, Same and Other=5, Sense=6, Sign and Symbol=6, Soul=3, Time=6, Truth=5, Universal and Particular=5, Memory and Imagination Being=1, Cause=2, Definition=2, Dialectic=3, God=6, Good and Evil=2, Idea=4, Immortality=2, Knowledge=3, Liberty=2, Logic=2, Mathematics=2, Memory and Imagination=1, Mind=3, Nature=4, Necessity and Contingency=1, One and Many=1, Opposition=1, Philosophy=7, Principle=2, Reasoning=3, Relation=5, Same and Other=3, Science=3, Sign and Symbol=1, Soul=5, Theology=7, Truth=3, Will=1, Wisdom=2, Metaphysics Angel=1, Animal=2, Being=7, Change=4, Desire=5, Education=8, Element=1, Emotion=8, Evolution=5, Experience=7, Form=4, God=2, Habit=2, History=4, Idea=7, Judgment=8, Knowledge=8, Language=8, Law=5, Liberty=5, Life and Death=1, Man=9, Medicine=6, Memory and Imagination=9, Metaphysics=8, Nature=3, One and Many=4, Opinion=9, Opposition=5, Philosophy=9, Principle=4, Prudence=4, Quality=3, Quantity=1, Relation=5, Religion=2, Sense=8, Sign and Symbol=7, Slavery=2, Soul=5, Space=2, Time=2, Truth=7, Tyranny=1, Universal and Particular=3, Virtue and Vice=5, Will=8, Wisdom=9, World=2, Mind Aristocracy=8, Citizen=9, Constitution=8, Democracy=5, Family=7, Government=9, Justice=4, Law=8, Liberty=3, Oligarchy=5, Progress=2, Revolution=6, Slavery=5, State=8, Tyranny=5, Wealth=4, Monarchy Animal=9, Art=5, Being=7, Cause=5, Chance=9, Change=6, Citizen=1, Custom and Convention=4, Definition=5, Evolution=9, Experience=7, Family=4, Fate=9, Form=6, God=1, Good and Evil=2, Habit=3, Happiness=2, Idea=4, Justice=2, Knowledge=2, Language=2, Law=2, Liberty=5, Life and Death=9, Man=8, Mechanics=6, Metaphysics=4, Mind=6, Necessity and Contingency=9, One and Many=5, Philosophy=5, Physics=9, Relation=4, Religion=2, Same and Other=5, Science=9, Sign and Symbol=3, Slavery=1, State=2, Theology=2, Truth=9, Virtue and Vice=2, War and Peace=2, Wealth=1, Will=5, World=9, Nature Being=9, Cause=8, Chance=8, Change=9, Custom and Convention=5, Eternity=5, Family=2, Fate=8, God=1, History=8, Immortality=2, Judgment=5, Knowledge=5, Liberty=5, Mathematics=6, Metaphysics=2, Nature=7, Opinion=7, Opposition=6, Poetry=1, Principle=3, Prudence=5, Punishment=1, Reasoning=5, State=1, Time=6, Truth=7, War and Peace=2, Wealth=2, Will=5, Necessity and Contingency Aristocracy=7, Constitution=7, Democracy=7, Government=9, Justice=4, Labor=4, Law=8, Liberty=3, Monarchy=4, Opposition=2, Revolution=6, Slavery=3, Tyranny=6, War and Peace=2, Wealth=3, Oligarchy Art=3, Beauty=3, Being=5, Change=3, Citizen=5, Courage=1, Definition=7, Dialectic=7, Element=7, Family=5, Form=5, God=1, Good and Evil=4, Government=5, Idea=5, Infinity=7, Knowledge=5, Man=4, Mathematics=7, Memory and Imagination=8, Mind=5, Nature=5, Opposition=6, Poetry=3, Principle=5, Prudence=1, Quantity=7, Relation=8, Same and Other=9, Sense=5, Soul=2, Space=3, State=5, Temperance=1, Time=3, Universal and Particular=9, Virtue and Vice=1, War and Peace=5, World=7, One and Many Aristocracy=3, Beauty=2, Being=2, Constitution=6, Custom and Convention=6, Democracy=6, Desire=3, Dialectic=5, Emotion=2, God=1, Good and Evil=6, Government=6, Judgment=8, Justice=3, Knowledge=6, Law=4, Liberty=7, Metaphysics=6, Necessity and Contingency=5, Philosophy=6, Principle=5, Progress=5, Reasoning=5, Relation=4, Religion=6, Rhetoric=8, Science=6, State=6, Theology=6, Time=2, Truth=9, Tyranny=6, Universal and Particular=5, Will=5, Opinion Being=4, Change=6, Definition=7, Democracy=2, Desire=5, Dialectic=9, Duty=3, Element=7, Emotion=2, Evolution=6, History=3, Idea=5, Judgment=5, Labor=2, Liberty=3, Logic=8, Love=3, Man=2, Mechanics=8, Metaphysics=7, Mind=3, Necessity and Contingency=5, One and Many=8, Principle=7, Progress=3, Quality=6, Reasoning=8, Revolution=8, Same and Other=9, State=3, Truth=7, Universal and Particular=8, War and Peace=9, Wealth=3, Opposition Definition=7, Dialectic=7, Experience=4, Happiness=3, History=4, Induction=7, Judgment=4, Knowledge=8, Logic=8, Man=7, Mathematics=5, Metaphysics=8, Mind=5, Opinion=6, Physics=5, Poetry=3, Principle=8, Progress=4, Prudence=3, Reasoning=8, Religion=6, Rhetoric=6, Science=8, State=3, Theology=6, Truth=9, Wealth=2, Wisdom=8, Philosophy Animal=5, Astronomy=8, Cause=7, Chance=5, Change=7, Element=8, Experience=8, Hypothesis=8, Induction=8, Infinity=7, Knowledge=8, Life and Death=3, Logic=8, Mathematics=9, Matter=9, Mechanics=8, Metaphysics=7, Mind=2, Nature=8, Philosophy=6, Quantity=8, Reasoning=8, Science=9, Sense=3, Space=9, Time=9, Physics Beauty=7, Courage=5, Desire=7, Duty=2, Education=5, Emotion=8, Good and Evil=5, Happiness=8, Knowledge=4, Love=8, Punishment=2, Sense=8, Temperance=6, Virtue and Vice=3, Pleasure and Pain Art=6, Beauty=5, Desire=3, Education=4, Emotion=2, Form=6, Happiness=4, History=4, Knowledge=4, Language=7, Liberty=2, Memory and Imagination=7, Philosophy=3, Rhetoric=3, Science=2, Truth=3, Virtue and Vice=3, Poetry Change=4, Definition=8, Dialectic=7, Element=8, Good and Evil=3, Government=5, Hypothesis=8, Idea=7, Induction=7, Judgment=8, Knowledge=8, Logic=7, Mathematics=8, Memory and Imagination=3, Metaphysics=7, Mind=4, Necessity and Contingency=4, One and Many=4, Opinion=6, Opposition=7, Philosophy=8, Physics=8, Prudence=2, Reasoning=8, Relation=7, Sense=4, Truth=8, Will=4, Principle Art=3, Chance=8, Change=8, Citizen=3, Constitution=3, Custom and Convention=6, Democracy=3, Dialectic=4, Evolution=7, Fate=8, God=2, Government=3, History=8, Knowledge=4, Labor=6, Language=4, Liberty=5, Man=5, Monarchy=3, Necessity and Contingency=7, Opinion=3, Philosophy=4, Prophecy=6, Revolution=5, Science=4, Sign and Symbol=3, Slavery=4, State=3, Time=8, Truth=2, Tyranny=3, War and Peace=3, Wealth=3, Progress Fate=9, God=9, Knowledge=4, Language=6, Memory and Imagination=6, Necessity and Contingency=5, Religion=9, Sign and Symbol=8, Time=6, Truth=6, World=8, Prophecy Art=3, Citizen=7, Experience=7, Good and Evil=7, Government=5, Habit=6, Judgment=7, Knowledge=8, Law=5, Mind=8, Monarchy=4, Necessity and Contingency=7, Opinion=7, Philosophy=8, Reasoning=7, Science=4, State=7, Virtue and Vice=5, Will=7, Wisdom=8, Prudence Education=6, Family=5, God=4, Happiness=3, Immortality=2, Justice=8, Labor=4, Law=8, Liberty=8, Pleasure and Pain=8, Sin=9, Slavery=5, Virtue and Vice=6, Will=7, Punishment Being=6, Change=5, Experience=6, Form=5, Habit=4, Judgment=6, Knowledge=5, Life and Death=3, Man=3, Matter=4, Mechanics=3, Memory and Imagination=5, Mind=7, Nature=3, Principle=6, Quantity=3, Same and Other=5, Sense=5, Soul=3, Quality Astronomy=7, Being=9, Change=6, Form=5, Infinity=9, Judgment=4, Mathematics=9, Matter=9, Mechanics=8, Memory and Imagination=3, Mind=5, One and Many=9, Physics=8, Principle=4, Quality=5, Relation=8, Same and Other=8, Space=9, Time=9, Quantity Animal=4, Being=3, Cause=5, Definition=7, Dialectic=6, Experience=7, God=2, Good and Evil=2, Happiness=1, Hypothesis=7, Idea=7, Immortality=1, Induction=7, Infinity=4, Judgment=7, Knowledge=8, Language=8, Law=4, Logic=7, Man=9, Mathematics=5, Mechanics=5, Medicine=5, Memory and Imagination=6, Metaphysics=5, Mind=7, Nature=4, Opposition=8, Philosophy=6, Principle=6, Prudence=3, Rhetoric=3, Science=8, Sign and Symbol=8, Theology=3, Truth=8, Will=2, World=2, Reasoning Animal=5, Beauty=4, Cause=7, Change=7, Custom and Convention=5, Definition=7, Evolution=5, Form=6, God=1, Good and Evil=6, Idea=5, Judgment=4, Knowledge=6, Mathematics=8, Memory and Imagination=4, Mind=5, Nature=6, One and Many=9, Opinion=6, Opposition=9, Principle=5, Quality=4, Quantity=8, Reasoning=6, Same and Other=9, Sign and Symbol=5, Soul=6, Space=7, State=6, Time=7, Truth=6, Universal and Particular=8, World=4, Relation Education=3, God=9, Government=5, Habit=6, History=2, Justice=4, Knowledge=4, Language=7, Liberty=4, Love=2, Nature=4, Opinion=9, Philosophy=5, Prophecy=8, Rhetoric=7, Science=1, Sign and Symbol=5, State=5, Temperance=5, Theology=9, Truth=3, Virtue and Vice=5, Will=7, Religion Aristocracy=8, Constitution=6, Democracy=8, Government=7, History=7, Justice=7, Labor=7, Law=8, Liberty=8, Monarchy=8, Oligarchy=8, Opposition=9, Progress=5, Slavery=4, State=8, Tyranny=8, War and Peace=7, Wealth=7, Revolution Art=6, Democracy=5, Dialectic=6, Education=7, Emotion=4, Honor=5, Induction=7, Language=9, Logic=6, Philosophy=4, Poetry=6, Reasoning=7, Sign and Symbol=6, State=5, Truth=5, Rhetoric Art=7, Being=4, Change=4, Definition=8, Evolution=4, Form=6, God=1, Idea=8, Knowledge=8, Logic=7, Love=6, Man=6, Memory and Imagination=6, Nature=3, One and Many=9, Opposition=9, Principle=5, Quality=8, Quantity=8, Relation=9, Sense=5, Sign and Symbol=7, Soul=4, State=6, Universal and Particular=9, World=8, Same and Other Art=4, Astronomy=8, Cause=8, Definition=8, Experience=7, History=7, Hypothesis=9, Induction=9, Judgment=6, Knowledge=7, Labor=7, Logic=9, Man=7, Mathematics=8, Mechanics=8, Medicine=8, Metaphysics=8, Mind=8, Nature=6, Opinion=5, Philosophy=8, Physics=9, Poetry=5, Progress=5, Prudence=6, Reasoning=9, State=3, Theology=6, Truth=8, Universal and Particular=6, Virtue and Vice=5, Wealth=5, Wisdom=7, Science Animal=7, Beauty=7, Being=9, Desire=6, Emotion=7, Evolution=5, Experience=9, Form=3, Good and Evil=4, Habit=4, Idea=6, Induction=2, Knowledge=5, Life and Death=6, Man=8, Mathematics=3, Memory and Imagination=8, Mind=8, One and Many=4, Pleasure and Pain=9, Principle=4, Quality=5, Reasoning=4, Same and Other=4, Soul=6, Space=7, Time=7, Truth=3, Universal and Particular=5, Will=5, Sense Being=3, Definition=5, Desire=2, Emotion=1, God=5, Idea=5, Language=5, Logic=3, Medicine=7, Memory and Imagination=3, Opposition=1, Poetry=3, Prophecy=7, Reasoning=5, Relation=4, Religion=5, Rhetoric=3, Same and Other=4, Theology=5, Universal and Particular=4, Sign and Symbol Angel=6, Duty=5, Eternity=4, Fate=6, God=9, Good and Evil=7, Happiness=4, Honor=5, Immortality=2, Law=7, Liberty=6, Man=4, Nature=5, Pleasure and Pain=6, Punishment=7, Religion=9, Temperance=5, Virtue and Vice=7, Will=6, Sin Citizen=7, Constitution=8, Democracy=8, Government=5, Justice=7, Labor=8, Law=7, Liberty=9, Monarchy=6, Oligarchy=7, Progress=5, Punishment=4, Revolution=6, State=5, Tyranny=6, Wealth=5, Will=9, Slavery Angel=8, Animal=3, Astronomy=1, Desire=3, Element=2, Emotion=3, Form=3, God=8, Immortality=7, Knowledge=1, Life and Death=6, Man=7, Matter=2, Mechanics=3, Memory and Imagination=4, Metaphysics=6, Mind=7, One and Many=3, Opposition=2, Physics=1, Same and Other=3, Science=1, Sense=6, Will=4, World=1, Soul Angel=4, Astronomy=9, Being=4, Change=5, Form=7, God=3, Immortality=1, Infinity=9, Mathematics=6, Matter=8, Mechanics=6, Memory and Imagination=5, Mind=4, One and Many=4, Quality=7, Quantity=6, Relation=6, Sense=5, Time=8, World=8, Space Animal=2, Aristocracy=6, Art=2, Citizen=9, Constitution=8, Custom and Convention=8, Democracy=9, Duty=7, Education=7, Emotion=3, Family=6, Good and Evil=4, Government=9, Happiness=4, History=5, Justice=7, Knowledge=2, Labor=6, Language=2, Law=8, Liberty=8, Love=3, Man=5, Mind=2, Monarchy=9, Nature=4, Oligarchy=8, One and Many=6, Opinion=7, Opposition=7, Philosophy=3, Progress=5, Religion=5, Revolution=8, Science=3, Slavery=5, Tyranny=8, Virtue and Vice=3, War and Peace=8, Wealth=5, State Courage=5, Desire=8, Education=6, Emotion=8, Happiness=6, Infinity=3, Law=6, Mind=8, Pleasure and Pain=8, Prudence=7, Punishment=3, Sin=3, Virtue and Vice=8, Wealth=3, Temperance Angel=6, Astronomy=1, Beauty=1, Desire=1, Dialectic=2, Eternity=5, Evolution=4, God=8, Good and Evil=3, Happiness=3, History=2, Honor=1, Immortality=3, Infinity=3, Justice=1, Knowledge=4, Language=8, Law=3, Liberty=1, Logic=2, Love=1, Man=8, Matter=1, Metaphysics=3, Mind=8, One and Many=1, Opinion=5, Opposition=3, Philosophy=4, Prophecy=8, Punishment=1, Reasoning=2, Relation=5, Religion=8, Same and Other=1, Sign and Symbol=7, Sin=3, Soul=3, Time=5, Truth=3, Virtue and Vice=3, Will=3, Wisdom=1, World=5, Theology Astronomy=8, Being=5, Cause=8, Change=8, Education=7, Eternity=9, Evolution=9, Experience=8, Form=4, God=4, History=9, Idea=5, Infinity=9, Knowledge=8, Language=4, Liberty=4, Life and Death=7, Man=7, Mathematics=4, Mechanics=8, Memory and Imagination=8, Necessity and Contingency=6, Progress=8, Prophecy=9, Quality=5, Quantity=6, Relation=5, Sense=7, Space=8, Truth=6, Will=4, World=7, Time Beauty=3, Being=4, Custom and Convention=2, Dialectic=4, Eternity=1, Experience=4, God=4, Good and Evil=4, History=3, Hypothesis=5, Idea=4, Infinity=3, Knowledge=4, Language=4, Liberty=3, Logic=5, Love=3, Mathematics=5, Mind=5, Necessity and Contingency=2, Opinion=4, Opposition=4, Philosophy=3, Poetry=3, Principle=5, Progress=1, Prudence=3, Reasoning=5, Relation=4, Rhetoric=2, Science=6, Sense=4, Sign and Symbol=3, Theology=1, Time=4, Universal and Particular=3, Wisdom=5, Truth Aristocracy=8, Citizen=8, Democracy=8, Family=5, Government=8, Justice=8, Labor=8, Law=8, Liberty=9, Monarchy=8, Oligarchy=8, Progress=3, Revolution=9, Slavery=8, State=8, War and Peace=8, Tyranny Beauty=3, Being=4, Custom and Convention=3, Experience=5, Form=8, Good and Evil=3, Happiness=2, History=4, Idea=9, Induction=7, Judgment=5, Justice=4, Knowledge=5, Law=5, Matter=5, Memory and Imagination=7, One and Many=8, Philosophy=5, Poetry=4, Reasoning=5, Relation=6, Same and Other=8, Science=7, Sense=5, Sign and Symbol=5, Truth=3, Universal and Particular Aristocracy=4, Art=3, Citizen=4, Courage=5, Custom and Convention=5, Duty=5, Education=5, Emotion=5, Family=6, God=6, Good and Evil=8, Government=4, Habit=3, Happiness=4, History=3, Honor=6, Immortality=3, Justice=4, Knowledge=5, Law=2, Love=6, Man=5, Monarchy=3, Nature=2, Necessity and Contingency=1, One and Many=5, Opinion=4, Pleasure and Pain=4, Prudence=5, Punishment=5, Religion=7, Science=3, Sin=6, State=2, Temperance=6, Wealth=2, Wisdom=4, Virtue and Vice Art=3, Citizen=8, Democracy=5, Emotion=4, Family=5, Government=8, Happiness=4, Immortality=3, Justice=7, Labor=6, Law=7, Liberty=7, Love=3, Man=7, Medicine=4, Monarchy=6, Nature=5, Necessity and Contingency=7, Oligarchy=6, Opposition=8, Revolution=9, Slavery=7, State=9, Wealth=6, Will=5, War and Peace Art=4, Democracy=6, Family=7, Good and Evil=4, Government=7, Happiness=4, History=2, Justice=6, Knowledge=5, Labor=7, Liberty=3, Love=3, Nature=2, Necessity and Contingency=4, Oligarchy=5, Philosophy=5, Progress=2, Revolution=7, Science=4, Slavery=7, State=7, Temperance=4, Virtue and Vice=3, War and Peace=8, Wealth Animal=4, Cause=6, Chance=7, Democracy=8, Desire=9, Emotion=8, Fate=8, God=3, Government=8, Habit=7, History=4, Justice=4, Knowledge=5, Law=8, Liberty=8, Love=7, Man=7, Metaphysics=3, Mind=8, Monarchy=8, Necessity and Contingency=7, Opinion=7, Principle=5, Prudence=6, Punishment=6, Reasoning=6, Religion=7, Sense=5, Slavery=8, Truth=5, Virtue and Vice=5, Will Dialectic=5, Happiness=6, Knowledge=8, Metaphysics=7, Monarchy=2, Philosophy=9, Prudence=8, Science=3, State=2, Theology=4, Truth=8, Virtue and Vice=6, Wisdom Art=3, Astronomy=8, Cause=4, Change=8, God=2, Man=9, Mind=2, Nature=9, One and Many=5, Relation=6, Soul=2, World